🔆 Hey friends,
🎊 It’s been a month since we officially launched the Couch Potato Series, TIME FLIES!
I just want to say a HUGE thank you for all of the support ❤️ This is still kind of an experimental journey, but if you think this is a good cause worth spreading, please share this with your friends and family, your Instagram followers, or even random strangers sitting next to you at the cafe 😉
Alright now back to business! In this week’s video, Ross and Chandler drove all the way from New York to Canada 🇨🇦 (*ROAD TRIP WOOP WOOP*) for a hotel stay. Aside from the fact that Ross got a serious sugar high from all those maple candies 🍬 (楓糖糖果 — 加拿大名產), let’s take a look at the video to see what happened!
🔖 給 first comer 的貼心小提醒: 學習方法為先看一次影片→ 閱讀以下單字片語→ 重看一次影片馬上複習單字+訓練聽力
⏱ 學習時間:約15-20分鐘
Step 1 🎬 Video
Step 2 ✏️ Vocabularies
Big Apple (n.) 大蘋果 🍎 為美國紐約的暱稱
deluxe suite (n.) 豪華套房
complimentary (adj.)贈送的
complementary (adj.) 互補的 → 注意這兩個字發音相同,但是意思卻截然不同
toiletries (n.) 盥洗用品
deodorant (n.) 止汗除臭劑
deodorant stick (n.) 棒狀止汗劑
deodorant spray (n.) 噴霧狀止汗劑
tampon (n.) 棉條
bushel (n.) 蒲式耳,美國測量水果的單位
maid cart (n.) 客房清潔員的拖車
Step 3 💬 Phrases
wound up: 過於亢奮的
🎬 影片中Ross 一路上吃太多 maple candy 導致 sugar high,整個人異常亢奮
🔎 延伸用法:wound up 也有緊張、生氣的意思
get this straight: 把事情搞清楚
rip someone off: 敲詐某人
not cool: 不OK 👎🏼,這裡的 cool 在美國口語為OK的意思
think it through: 想清楚、考慮清楚
🔎 延伸用法:think twice 三思而行
factor in something: 把某件事納入考量、計算因素
ahead of the game: 處於領先地位
Step 4 🔔 Subscribe to Newsletter
That’s a wrap for this week! Hope y’all enjoy it ❤️ Also, if you would like to see a specific TV series in the future episodes of Couch Potato Series, please leave a comment and let me know:)
Have a great week!
Joy da potato 🥔